Round Round
“Round”, plays with perspectives.
“Round”, gives some depth.
“Round”, to create a unique experience as residents enter into a coherent and holistic world.
The rounded flow is adopted throughout the home.
The space practice designed the curved elements that appear to emerge from the ceiling with the aim of blurring the lines between what is existing jagged walls and columns to complement a thoughtfully layered interior.
Aiming for natural textures and a soft atmosphere, the design is composed of exposed wood, timeless natural stone and hand-plastered surfaces.
it is purely the ethos of the geometrical objects that reflect the aesthetics and functionality of the place. The solution seems very modest at the beginning but exists more interactive once one starts to discover its layers.
灑滿一室的自然光,溫暖而純粹,利用減法美學留白配比,以輕質建構療癒風, 充盈著節奏緩慢的儀式感, 具想像厚度、不流於制式,為起居者的幸福故事揭開序幕,實現美好日常,在和諧比例與尺度中,衍生驚奇與發現。
Published at WABISABI 2023 Jan/Feb